Grape Hotel, Wrocław
Arrival 21 Sep 2024
Departure 22 Sep 2024
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Give yourself a bit of luxury Grape Hotel & Restaurant in Wroclaw - to enjoy life every day

Tło bannera
Give yourself a bit of luxury Grape Hotel & Restaurant in Wroclaw - to enjoy life every day
Tło bannera
Give yourself a bit of luxury Grape Hotel & Restaurant in Wroclaw - to enjoy life every day


The history of the hotel and restaurant, entwined with grape vines, born out of passion and respect for wine and the work of human hands,
so that experiences can not only pass away, but have an impact on emotions.

Welcome to Grape Hotel & Restaurant

Special offers

Plan your stay at the Grape Hotel and gain time by entrusting us with your wishes. We will reserve a concert ticket for you, book a massage and help you answer all your questions.

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Stop for a moment

Grape Hotel is a unique place, combining luxury, naturalness and the highest class.

Rooms with<br> balconies
Rooms with
Big<br> garden
A restaurant with an all-year orangery
A restaurant with an all-year orangery
Selection of <br>sparkling wines
Selection of
sparkling wines

Guest review

Hotel with unique charm.
A small hotel - a dozen or so rooms - located in a small garden. Very friendly and helpful service. Each room is different and named after a vineyard (my single was Napa). As expected, choice of wines at the bar was impressive.
New year lunch
This gorgeous hotel situated several kilometers outside wroclaw centre, offers top class 3 course lunch deals for 52 zloty (11 euro) circa. The mushroom soup was the most excellent serving ever followed with salad and a risotto ...
Best so far
I can not wait to return, awesome place, awesome people, location fantastic, food out of this world, if your staying in this city, only place to be, enjoyed the zoo which is next to property and some of the best exhibits ...
Unique location

Unique location

Grape Hotel & Restaurant is located in a quiet and green area of ​​Wroclaw in the immediate vicinity of Centennial Hall and Congress Center. Situated right next to the Szczytnicki Park, the Japanese Garden and the famous Wrocław ZOO, with the only Afrikarium in Poland. The distance to the city center is only 2.5 km.

see on map

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